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With mid-summer fast approaching it’s time to think about how to max out on the warmer weather. Adding or renovating your outdoor deck transforms a bland backyard into a summer retreat and brings family and friends together for an afternoon BBQ. A deck also adds substantial equity to your home and can greatly improve its resale value. In order to help you optimize your time and budget we’ve compiled a list of the top five decking trends for 2024.
1. Eco-friendly alternatives
“Sustainable” is more than just a buzzword; it’s essential for many homeowners and business owners when it comes to the materials they choose. Traditional hardwood decking is quickly being replaced by eco-friendly composite materials, particularly bamboo composites that utilize renewable or reused raw materials. How decking is made is now also under scrutiny. Consumers are educating themselves on the way products are produced and opting for methods that are gentle on the Earth, like manufacturing with solar power. Eva-Last composite building materials manufacturer is proud to lead the charge in eco-friendly wood alternatives using solar power to manufacture its products made from easily replenishable bamboo and recycled waste plastics.
2. Customized
Decks no longer have to be just generic rectangular slabs of boards; they should be carefully crafted to suit your specific needs and wants. From smaller decks that create quieter spaces for reading or having a sundowner with your partner, to larger party decks with built-in seating or space to dance, customized decks are proving to be more livable and more enjoyable. People are now prioritizing decking ranges that include matching or complementary accessories, like fascia trim and stair boards, to add to the overall unique look of their deck.
3. Seamless indoor/outdoor living
Decks are now seen as an extension of the home; the extra outdoor living room or space we all want. With that in mind deck designs in 2024 often include sliding doors or other large access points directly into the home as well as easy and direct access to the yard beyond. Decks now house comfortable furniture and amenities that might once have been found only indoors – plush cushions, expansive sectionals, and full-scale kitchens – and which now help blur the line between indoor and outdoor living. As Eva-Last’s top-rated decking, Pioneer with its exceptionally realistic wood aesthetic, emulating rare wood species thanks to its sophisticated print technology, is the perfect complement to any outdoor living space.
4. The natural look
Today’s decks are uncluttered and embrace the natural look. Highly sought-after eco-friendly composite decking and other sustainable decking alternatives now boast a more natural look than their plastic-y predecessors. You may choose to further emphasize the natural aesthetic of your deck with potted plants or eco-conscious deck furniture.
5. Easy, low-maintenance living
Decks are, above all else, meant to be relaxing. The last thing you want to do is spend your free time maintaining a standard wood deck. People are rejecting the status quo of deck upkeep and choosing low-maintenance decking materials that don’t require sanding, sealing, or staining. Your deck should give more than it demands and add to your enjoyment rather than to your to-do list.

These decking trends are a direct result of the way more and more of us are choosing to live; sustainably, uniquely, naturally, and simply. Consider how adding a deck can improve your life this summer.